Sunday, January 3, 2010

Still Grinning...

Please forgive me ~ Today was my daughter's first ice skating lesson ~
and I'm still grinning from ear to ear!
There were definitely more downs than ups...
But after sitting a bit and taking it all in (smiling all the way)
she'd get right back up and try again.

Once she got a little help, she was content to move around doing her own thing.
After an hour she was not ready to leave.

It was enormously rewarding to watch her out there.
She truly makes my heart sing.


  1. Cute! Do they have those walker-type things for adults? I never did learn to ice skate. How embarrassing for my Dad who played semi-pro hockey!!

  2. What a cutie! I wish I'd had one of those "helpers" when I was learning.
