Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper ~ A Quilter's Dream

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I actually dreamed about this moment. As I made her baby quilts I thought about the day when she would be old enough to sit by me and help. That day has finally come!

If you are a quilter you know about chain piecing. Most traditional quilts are small pieces put together. The most efficient way of making those pieces is to sew many at a time without cutting the thread in between each piece. When your done you cut the pieces apart (only to repeat the process a few more times).

Erin wanted to help me and she (like most 3 year olds) enjoys using a scissor. I looked at my heap of chain pieces that needed to be cut and thought why not! She had so much fun helping me and is quite good at her new job. 

She is taking the job very seriously though. The other morning I finished cutting a pile while she ate breakfast. She looked at me and said "Thanks for finishing that for me mom"! 


  1. That's great! I bet she makes an awesome little helper, and just think, she'll only get better as she gets older. Pretty soon you can double your orders.. Hehehe

  2. aw that's so sweet! She probably see show seriously you take it and is modeling after you!
