Friday, May 1, 2009

New Shoes

 I remember reading about this in a magazine ages ago and I thought I'd share this as it seems to be working. 

We (my 3 1/2 year old daughter & I) were actually having arguments over whether her last pair of shoes were on the correct feet or not ~

Me: Honey  your need to switch your shoes, they are on the wrong feet.
E: No they're not.
Me: um, yes they are...
E: No this is the right way...

Not fun. I just bought her a new pair of summer shoes and thought to try this. Four letter names are just right but you could use initials if your kid has a long name. 

So far so good. I'll keep you informed about the next disagreement, I've a feeling this is just the beginning!


  1. I'm going to try this too - Ryan does the same thing.

  2. smart idea!

    And thanks for entering my giveaway! I shortened my shop announcement as you suggested. :D Thanks for the helpful critique!


  3. Katie would wear her boots switched mostly on the days Les would dress her-I think your solution would certainly help the Dads- Now what to do about wear clothing upside down inside out......

  4. This is a fabulous idea!!!! Eben does the exact thing....I just got crocs so that I don't have so much of a struggle.

    What is with them?!?!?!?!?!

  5. Great idea! Right now Cedi just wears two different colored shoes (both Crocs)...left is purple, right pink!
